So here it is, my very first try at blogging on a Valentine's Day.. I can assure you, blogging is a talent! Writing is never easy, what more keeping the blog interesting & entertaining.. Everyone seems to be blogging these days.., well almost.. Not wanting to be left out and having revived my passion on one of my hobbies, I decided to start one of my own.. at this very day!
As an introduction, this blog is aimed to share my thoughts & works on photography... Yes, PHOTOGRAPHY! For a start, I'm not new in the world of photography.. I picked up my first SLR 12yrs back, at the age of 16. It was a Canon EOS 500N. Film photography was expensive, you never know what you've shot and ended with a bunch of below-par shots after you got the film developed.. such a pain to the wallet! When DSLR first came out, the price was amazingly high. I didn't have that much money to afford one so I gave up the hobby I loved so much.

Until a couple of years back, entry level DSLR started to retail at below RM2k. Definitely much affordable now but the thought of owning one and pursuing this hobby didn't cross my mind. Perhaps, work was taking up most of my time and I was rather focussed on my career.
Towards the end of last year, I was on a 2-month company trip to the States. I figured out I need a good camera to shoot the memories of my first ever trip out of the country! A friend of mine was telling that the Nikon D40 was selling at only RM1.4k - that's a really great bargain! A quick research on the internet and I made up my mind. The 6.2 MP spec was not a concern., as I don't intend to do any large print anyway. I purchased my D40 days before flying off and there I was... happily snapping away in the States ;)
It's been more than 2 months since I returned home. The decision to get a DSLR was right. No regret! Got to know a bunch of Nikonians.. and I'm so hooked! Tonight I'll be shooting the marriage proposal of a close friend. This will be a good practice for me.. and I shall post some pics soon...
And oh BTW, it's my 4th anniversary today working at Intel.. yet another milestone ;)

Hey bro! I just got myself into digital photography too this year! Hmm... plenty to learn from you!
hehe... yn with his DSLR werr... :P
ReplyDeleteso fast 4th year dee...time sure flies!!
BUM mtg can take reward dee lo.. 5 yr in intel.. got ar?
Hey Momo! Canon kaki just like Nag right? We're rival ;) Come back & let's go shooting..
ReplyDeleteCY! Yup, time flies. Will get reward next year I guess.. every 5 years.